Meet the Moms: Introducing Rosanna
Meet Rosanna from Kansas, aka The Sustainable Mom
Rosanna is inspiring moms across the country to make mindful choices and raise healthy children through natural and attachment parenting. She recently gave birth to her second son. You can follow her on Instagram and Facebook @thesustainablemom.
What’s your name? Any nickname?
My name is Rosanna Howard. No nicknames as an adult. As a kid, my mom called me Rosie and my best friends called me Rosie-banana.
Live in? Grew up in?
I am a military spouse, currently stationed in Kansas. I grew up in central Mississippi and lived there until I was a high schooler, at which point, we moved to Indianapolis. All my family is from Mississippi and I have a deep Southern heritage, which can be both good and bad, as I’m sure one can imagine.
You’re the mom of...
Two beautiful boys! James, 16 months, and Jonathan (aka Peaches), 11 weeks old.
What made you want to be more careful about things you were buying for your house or your kids? Was there an “aha” moment or specific event?
The first time I held James in the hospital and realized how soft and perfect his skin was, it made me want to protect it and use natural products and textiles on that sweet, new skin. I began to be conscious of the ingredients in food, household products, and fibers in textiles.

How did you get started? What were the first few changes you made?
I started with cloth diapering because I wanted to cut down on my family’s waste, save money and I was weirded out by the composition of the strange absorbent material inside disposable diapers. Then I started exploring natural diaper creams and making my own wipe solution to use with cloth wipes.
What are some benefits you have seen over time, are there things that worked well for you?
I can tell in the overall health of my children, a lack of allergies, that their sweet skin is still so soft, and our family consumes less and produces far less waste.
Any tips you'd like to share with moms who just heard about these issues and trying to figure out their first steps?
Make small changes, gradually. You don’t have to overhaul your life all at once. As you naturally use up a product, replace it with a natural, more sustainable one or new practice. Start with being mindful of your consumption, pay attention to what you buy, and ask where it comes from, what it’s made up of, how it gets to you, and how it’s used up. Then, make a change if the answers to these questions don’t agree with your values.
❝ I can tell in the overall health of my children, a lack of allergies, that their sweet skin is still so soft, and our family consumes less and produces far less waste. ❞
What’s most exciting to you about being part of the UpChoose community and what are the most important things we can help you achieve?
I love companies that seek to build community, have a positive impact on the environment, share a set of common core values of sustainability and strive to constantly improve the communities they serve.
Favorite outfit or item from your UpChoose set?
I love the bicycle print onesie and footie one-piece from Kate Quinn Organics!
Favorite activities or games you play with the kids?
We love taking family walks to the city park to play at the playground in the evenings before bedtime. We try to walk about 2 miles, and we share stories from our day, we sing silly songs and we talk about the plants and animals we see along the way.

Here's adorable baby Jonathan wearing a Finn and Emma bodysuit from his UpChoose Baby Set
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
I would love to be in two places at once, so I could easily meet the needs of both my babies at all times!
Favorite movie?
Favorite song?
Rosanna by Toto 😉
Dream place for a vacation?
We would love to spend several weeks exploring England, Ireland, and Scotland.
Favorite dish?
Tacos! But really any variation of Mexican or Tex-Mex!
Rosanna's pick: UpChoose Baby Set, 0-3 months, Mild Weather, Full set, Playful style. Watch Rosanna unbox her UpChoose set here:
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