Meet the Moms: Introducing Christina
Meet Christina from Georgia
Meet Christina, one of our UpChoose moms from Columbus, Georgia. Christina is a first-time mom of Anna who is almost eight months old! She joined UpChoose just before Anna was born. Christina is the founder of a marketing agency and a yoga teacher. You can follow her on Instagram @christinaamhunt.
What’s your name? Any nickname?
My name is Christina - no nicknames anymore, sadly.
Live in? Grew up in?
We're in the process of moving to Sacramento (and my house is a disaster as a result) from Columbus, Georgia. Originally I'm from just north of Baltimore, Maryland but have lived all over the country and in Europe as well.
You’re the mom of...
Anna is my built-in BFF.
What made you want to be more careful about the things you buy for yourself or your family? Was there an “aha” moment or a specific event?
Having worked in retail myself at Under Armour as a product manager, I understand the ins and outs of creating apparel. When you know the supply chain and understand margins, you start to think about the quality of product and quality of life of the factory worker when a retailer is selling pieces for $5 retail. On the flip side, the idea of spending over $30 for an outfit my child was going to grow out of in a few months seemed silly. Enter UpChoose.
How did you get started? What were the first few changes you made?
I personally started researching the companies I purchased from, which is how I became a big fan of Everlane and their transparency. Then I moved into buying imperfect vegetables that would otherwise get thrown out, buying responsibly grown and sourced meats, etc. My latest obsession has been removing plastic from my bathroom - no more toothpaste tubes thanks to Bite, no more shampoo and conditioner bottles thanks to Ethique's been a fun process!

Christina and Anna
What are some benefits you have seen over time, are there things that worked well for you?
The subscription business model (I know, an answer you probably didn't expect) is the biggest benefit for a lot of eco-friendly businesses. Removing the time cost of thinking that I need something then purchasing it is wonderful for a business founder/mom/dog mom. Considering I haven't lowered my standards of performance from these products, I continue to use them because they're just as good as their harmful competitor.
❝ Knowing I'm making an impact without doing any work whatsoever. Thanks guys for doing the heavy lifting for me here!❞
Any tips you'd like to share with other expecting parents who just heard about these issues and trying to figure out their first steps?
If you're just now entering the world of eco-consciousness know that taking one small step counts too. You're not expected to be perfect from the get-go. Please take this into the world of parenting. Small victories are everything.
Can you tell us a bit about the set(s) you received from UpChoose? What did you pick and how have you used the platform so far?
Despite not putting clothes on my registry because of UpChoose, I was given so many clothes and hand-me-downs for Anna. Because of that, I've used UpChoose as my way of rounding out her wardrobe with essentials like pajamas and basics. I currently have the preloved starter.
Do you already have a favorite outfit or item from your UpChoose set?
The pajamas from Lovedbaby are so amazing - they're thicker so you know your little one won't be cold at night and durable for when they're rolling around on the carpet. Here's Anna at a few months old in her Lovedbaby PJs "helping" me cook.

Anna in her favorite L'Ovedbaby footie from her first UpChoose set!
What’s most exciting to you about being part of the UpChoose community and what are the most important things we can help you achieve?
Knowing I'm making an impact without doing any work whatsoever. Thanks guys for doing the heavy lifting for me here!
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a superpower, but I would love to own Hermione's Time Turner from HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Then I could finally get all of my client work done, housework done, work out daily, and play with Anna and the dogs!
Favorite activities or games you play with the kid(s)?
My favorite time with Anna is bedtime (not because of the freedom that comes when she's down for the night) when I read her a story. We're currently going through the Paddington collection of stories I bought when I was living in London.
Favorite movie?
I'm awful at watching movies and watch the same movies over and over, especially around the holidays. Coincidently, The Holiday has to be my favorite movie.
Favorite song?
If I were to have any song follow me around my whole life it would be "Paris" by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. Such a good strut song.
Dream place for a vacation?
Sicily, forever and always.
Favorite dish?
Pasta with any fresh veggie and an overload of fresh parmesan cheese shavings.
What Christina picked for Anna
0-3m: UpChoose Clothes-Only Set, Classic, Preloved
3-6m: UpChoose Clothes-Only Set, Classic, Preloved
6-9m: UpChoose Clothes-Only Set, Classic, Preloved
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